Profile English Study Program

DOMIKADO (Indonesian Traditional Game)

Published by: Fonnalita (2118025)


Eska eskado


Pritt pritt

One, Two, Three, Four,

Five, Six, Seven, Eight,

Nine, Ten!

Did you ever hear that song??

Did you remember something??

Yess, those are the lyrics of "domikado" the traditional game from Indonesia which combine Indonesian and English of it.

This game has to be played by a lot of people. If it is only played by 4 or even 2, it would be far less dramatic. That's why this game is played by so many people all the time. Even the Numbers are endless.

To play this game, you just have to sit with the players. Make sure your hands are in the hands of the other players. The players usually would clap their hands over the palms of the other players they held.

After that, all of you have to sing the song of "domikado" until the end of the lyrics.

In this game everyone has to avoid clapping their hands from the friend next to them when the word 'ten' was said.

if someone fails, then that person loses and must withdraw from the game.

The game will be continue until a winner is found.

This Indonesian traditional game is very recomended to played especially by the students, because it can trains students' concentration and English vocabulary by counting the number 1-10 in English.

Watch the video of 'Domikado' (Indonesian traditional game) here!




Cisco Webex as a Alternative Learning Media


For most people, maybe not familiar with Cisco Webex.Cisco webex meeting is one of those video calling apps like zoom, Google meet, to skype. They are very popular today to support work from home during the corona covid-19 pandemic. Webex is a video conference took that has existed since the '90s. In 2007, webex was acquired by cisco, a multinational technology conglomerate. Webex also offers free access to freemium services.

 By using that system, there are restrictions on activities such as joining a video conference without the permission of the host, net-based recording (NBR), storing session data, transcripts, conference notes, and so on.

                                                  What is Cisco Webex ?

Cisco webex is a video conference application that allows communication through personal and mobile devices such as smartphones, PC, laptops, notebooks, and PC tablets while still within the range of the Internet. Webex combines telephone communication with computer screens.       

The Advantages of using Cisco Webex

The current live video service is really being used by a lot of people. And it's become the stuff of duty these days. With the presence of social distancing it causes a lot of people to be far-fetched. It is not uncommon for people to use a video conference application to say hello or to work. There are many benefits we can take from that video conference application.

Video live application services providers are highly installed at the moment as one of cisco's proofing apps has a high value in the video called cisco webex. These are the advantages of Cisco Webex :

1.  Hd video quality
 The first advantage cisco webex has is that these applications provide users with high-definition video views. So when friends are on the activities or communicating on videos, it does not worry about the quality of a video that is poor or even blurry. So friends need not bother to adjust its appearance or assume that the video provided by cisco webex is in such a low pixelated state that it is blur.
 Surely with such a surplus, the cisco webex use is more comfortable and effective. Friends also need not assume that the look given by cisco webex is not as good as his opponent.

 2.  "Mobile friendly"
 It's no secret that cisco webex is an easy used-video conference app. Even a person who just has a smartphone ora phone won't have a problem using cisco webex the first time. Furthermore, it should not require a complex and confusing registration that demands a great deal of time. All you need to do is have a gmail or other E-mail account that you want to use as a webex account of friends.

3.  Easy to hand out the sails to everyone
 Cisco webex's third advantage was easy to distribute the screen to everyone. Cisco webex is a very flexible application for sharing a video or live show with friends or associates etc. This makes it easy to identify one's circumstances or activities in a video. So friends would have to hand out the video to whom and how. At cisco webex's meeting is ready and ready, and we're left to use it to the best of our ability.

 4.  With a Google assistant feature
 Would friends expect cisco webex to be included with a voice command with a Google assistant and a Google home hub that can make it easier to get something or to talk. Cisco webex has also provided this feature in order to facilitate a conversation and make it easier for a mobile phone to search every news and so forth on Google and whatever it wants. That being included makes it more convenient to use cisco webex with the Google assistant support.
 So for friends who don't want to go to the trouble of looking for something, just talk and the information will be easy. Friends can also type a Google assistant liwat so that during a friendly chat in cisco webex can be short and time-consuming.

 5.  Video layout that can be customized to suit
 Unlike other video conference applications, that cisco webex himself has features or Settings that are not all similar applications. That feature or arrangement is about the layout of the video display, friends can simply choose where the video is and organize it in one place or another and thus make it easier for the user and less bored. Friends can also share videos and videos without painlessly choosing where the video is located, and cisco webex can provide that arrangement and can be as charming as possible.
 More than that, friends may also place the video portion of a friend or partner ina certain section and can be enlarged or minimized as friends wish. That way friends won't have to worry about the size of the video or the monotonous, intractable positions in cisco webex all the ones they can and do as friends want them to. Easy isn't it.

 6.  Available for free
 It doesn't stop there at all because cisco webex has so much to offer, it's free and unpayable. It's easy for friends to download it to the playstore whenever and wherever.
 This app with all the fringe and free of charge is appropriate to become zoom and Google hangouts's competitors. And it's freely available on an app store and you can download it directly to the web site in I.

Deficiency in using a Cisco Webex 

1.  Not so well-known
 The first flaw available to cisco webex is that the application is so little known to many people that any amount of it is only useful if no one USES it or USES it. The unknown issue of a video conference service is that of individual consumers or users. Some users regard the app as worthy. There are also those who feel unworthy. They also argue that as widely known an application does not guarantee its acceptance. So cisco webex continues to promote this application.

 2.  The feature of misaligned scheduling
 The second problem that counts asa lack of cisco webex is that this application provides less attractive scheduling. It's actually not just the cisco webex app that won't look so good. The majority of android video conference applications also have slightly less satisfying displays. Then each application should take note of its interface.
 Even so, you should also be careful to ask cisco webex for an attractive interface. To give its user satisfaction. So that we are not given an app with a crude display and a lack of interest.

3.  Spend more data
 The third lack of cisco webex is that it requires a large amount of Internet data. With the live feature of the video, automatically more data is needed. But if friends use wi-fi service then there is no limit to an endless amount of Internet data or quotas. Then it's best for friends to use the data. Then it is certain that friends do not wear wi-fi, so much will exhaust your quota if you stick to it.
 Make sure friends have management of the use of Internet quotas so as not to make cisco webex an app that makes friends' Internet quotas quickly burn. Don't want to.

 4.  Requires a steady data connection
 If cisco webex is short, this application requires a good, steady data connection. Then we must overcome them using our data as best we can. Because it is impossible to say that the zoom cloud class app, Google hangouts, or other video conferences, also needs good data connections in order to make communication easier.
 So make sure you have good network connections and Internet quotas to avoid making cisco webex an app that cannot directly engage in video activities on the Internet. Sharing moments of happiness with friends or loved ones.

What Are Cisco Webex Key Features?

Webex has a video signature feature that allows 25 users to follow video conference at a single time. Webex also has documents and whiteboards that can see documents.

 The user may revise the document and send it immediately through the platform. With webex, cisco offers cloud-based platforms and artificial intelligence technologies that enable users to do long-distance work and not require workers to be physically in the same space.

 Users can command webex by stating key words, "ok webex, join meeting".
 Cisco has also installed a facial recognition function so users can identify participants who entered using this account on webex. Webex platforms can operate on various devices, from cell phones to desktop computers.

Icha Triyunia (2118013)

Rangku Alu A Traditional Game


Childhood is held as the most precious and happy time. After school it is customary for the children of combat to return out of the house to play with friends. However, as the ages have progressed, many children today prefer to stay in their homes and play with their gadgets. Yes, the development of The Times is remarkable, traditional play is gradually superseded with digital play. When in reality, traditional games are just as interesting and rewarding for children.


 suppose the traditional game of the Rangku alu, east southeast nusa (NTT). According to the local language, my lesson meant striking two objects, the pestle being a wooden, wooden, or bamboo, roller. 

It is called because a player beats or a stick to make a rhythm. In addition, the game is also often called club dance with movements in play called dance movements. Normally, my knobs were played on hard ground where no player could stumble.

Traditional games are games played by peoples in certain areas. Indonesia has so many popular traditional games, one of which is rangku alu from east southeast nusa. Back in the olden days, the settlers used to play in rangku alu to return agricultural and plantation harvests, asa form of gratitude and happiness. On a full moon, the youth gather and enrich the game.


My team player is divided into two groups, the ones that play and watch. The latter consisted of four to six persons who formed a square and moved the bamboo, each who stood on either sides or sat with his or her two vanes in hand, as did the rest of the guard. The group had their turn to play on the sides of the bamboo and avoid the pinched bamboo. Between one and four people got a turn to play.

 The player goes into a bamboo that forms a square field and jumps in and out to the rhythm of the bamboo caps. When playing, a set of poles is usually produced a pattered tone or rhythm. The longer the bamboo rhythm and the song will accelerate, the smarter the player must be in his account to avoid slipping or being pinched by the bamboo. If a group gets a chance to play wedged in the leg, then we'll have to take turns switching shifts.

Agility can also jump my limit. Because the longer the bamboo rhythm and the song will accelerate, the automatically player must move quickly and change direction quickly without balance following the rhythm. I also practice foot muscles regularly and will definitely make a good impact on endurance.

Icha Tri Yunia (2118013)


Teaching Vocabulary Through HOP-SCOTCH game


  Indonesian children are the “owners” of beautiful, wise Indonesian traditional games. They have Engrang (a tradition game which the people need to stand and walk on ability on 2 pie-ces of bamboo), Panggal (wooden toy), etc from West Java Province (Ismail, 2009:289-292). They also have Engklek (exercising the body and mind by hopping on one foot on several sections drawn on the ground or pavement), etc.

    Engklek is a popular traditional children's game in Indonesia, especially in rural communities. The game can be found in various regions of Indonesia, in Sumatra, Java, Bali, kalimantan, and sulawesi. In each region is known by different names. It is thought that the name of this game came from the Dutch "job-maandag" and spread to the neonpopulation in colonial times, though such a claim is only temporary.

      The game of engineering is usually played by children, with two to five participants. In Java the game is called an engklek and is usually played by girls. A game similar to the rules of the United Kingdom called hopscotch. The hopscotch game is thought to be very old and dates back to the Roman empire.

   Using games allows you to revise large amounts of vocabulary quickly, so in every lesson make sure you include a mix of reversion and new themes (Vernon, 2010). Besides of the strategies above, Bastioni (2010) explains that music, games and movement activities play an integral part in the young learner’s curriculum, and children require a variety of activities in order to acquire a second or foreign language in the classroom. Students come to our classrooms with different sets of skills, determined by their upbringing and innate abilities, which naturally has a profound effect on their learning styles.

     According to Dr. Snouck Hurgronje (in Aisyah, 2011), engklek comes from India then it spreads all over Indonesia. That is why engklekis familiar in almost all places here, all provinces in Indonesia, even in different names. The name of engklek comes from the Javanese language, means little part of terracotta roof that is used as the pebbles for the players (Widi, 2011).

  The rules of this game are simple, just by jumping on the square drawn on the ground, only by one foot. Players must through the pebble first, and then jump from one box to another, without stepping on the pebble placed on a certain box. The players must skip each box on which the pebble was placed.

    The students needed a teaching media to learn English vocabulary. The media helped them in learning new vocabularies easily. The media used to teach English vocabulary is developed from hop-scotch game. It was modified as well to be the new modern and attractive one. In Indonesia, hop-scotch is called in various names, one of them is engklek. 

How to play this game in improving vocabulary ?

    Drawing a certain line on the ground as a map of engklek where the players will jump with one foot. The players also use a small piece of roof tile as the pebble that we throw in the first block of the engklek sections, and they have to take it first before we continue our jump to another side of the map. But, they have to keep our jump and pebble, so they will not step on the wrong line. If a player did it, he/she will stop in that place and have to guess one vocab in English from the other player. If a player can not answer or suggest it, so she/he can not continue to another side. The other players will take she/he turn to play. The player needs to finish 1 round and get the chance with some vocabulary that have they suggest to get the star as the prize for the winner.

Reference :

LILI HARYATI (2118030)



Learning English Using Hello Talk Application

 Learning English Using HELLO TALK Application 

    HelloTalk is a cool new language learning app that serves one purpose: it connects you directly with native speakers, and provides an interface to text and speak with them, all from your smartphone.

    There are websites out there that let you search for people to talk with, but with these websites the actual conversation happens on Skype, Google plus, or by telephone. HelloTalk acts as the direct interface through which you find a conversation partner and chat, send voice messages or call the people you want to practice with. No need for any third-party software.

    Hello talk also offers translation options from within the app. These features are the paid aspect of the app. This supports the developers to keep the rest of the app free, but I can give you a quick tip to get these tools at no cost. Sign up to the app, and one of your friends will automatically be HelloTalk Team. Simply message them “FI3M” and you'll get 3 months free membership. This includes unlimited access to HelloTalk’s premium features. These are Translation, Voice Recognition, and Transliteration.

1. Hello Talk features

Key features of the app include :

1. Voice chat

2. Text chat

3. Camera share

4. Doodle share (draw in the app to visually represent what you want to talk about)

5. Smileys and other features you'd expect from a good chat program, like notifications of new messages, GPS location sharing, text size settings.

6.  Learning specific features: Translation, Transliteration, and voice recognition to help you write/speak your target language.

7. Mark exchanges (text, voice, images) for studying later, or save the entire chat to refer to later.

2. Practice Speaking Without Feeling Embarrassed

  If you're using HelloTalk’s voice recognition system, then you can simply speak what you want to say. The system will attempt to understand you automatically, and convert that to text to send to your language partner. I tried this out with a few Mandarin phrases, and it worked well.

   This feature lets you practice speaking without having to worry about the embarrassment of someone actually hearing you. What’s more, the conversation can continue in a slower pace than it would if you were speaking on Skype. Your conversation partner can choose whether they reply using text or voice. If they opt for text, you can use the text-to-voice feature to have a voice synthesizer replicate what they may be saying, as if you were having a voice chat.

 Mileage in this feature will vary widely depending on the language, how closely you can emulate a native speaker, and of course limitations of the voice recognition system itself. 

3. Find a Language Partner in Your City

   In the past, very recommended using social searches to find language partners who live near you. Meeting with people who speak your target language from your local area is great when you want a break from online lessons.

   HelloTalk has this covered. Its local specific search option helps you find a language partner who lives near you that you can invite out for coffee. As there are over a million HelloTalk users, there’s a good chance of finding somebody in your area.

    The tested this feature out in Sydney, Australia (where I am at the time of writing) and found 24 people within a few kilometres of me looking for a Chinese-English exchange. I also discovered several people ready to offer exchanges for other languages like German, Japanese, Italian, and Spanish. As with Whatsapp, you can share your GPS location to make it easier to find language partners nearby.

  However, unlike many social language sites, HelloTalk doesn't come with a review system for its users. There’s the option for users to fill out an introduction for information about themselves, although many people don't do this. This makes it a little riskier when you are meeting up with strangers, as you don't necessarily know much about them. For this reason, I'd recommend using the meetup feature with caution.

   To find people in your area, just use the search feature to find people who speak the language you are learning, and who want to learn a language that you speak. Then, change the search order to “by location”. Generally, I'd stick to using just the live chat feature via the app, rather than arranging a meet-up if you'd prefer to be cautious.

    Another thing you can do – which I think is a much safer – is use this app while travelling to connect with people in your destination. Then you can pick up local tips on getting around and places to eat, all while getting language practice.

4. Includes Automatic Translation

   HelloTalk also includes an automatic translation feature. This is really helpful if you are OK with just getting the general gist of things. It can also help keep conversations flowing, since you don't have to open another app/window to get the translation.

     When you’re chatting using HelloTalk, you can see your conversation partner’s language/location as a flag. Additionally, while you talk to them, their local time is shown at the top of the chat window. This is handy if you need to know whether to say good morning or good evening to start your conversation.

5. Grammar Correction Feature

    Another cool feature is the option to highlight your conversation partner’s reply and select it for correction to help them improve their sentences. They can do the same for you. This is different to simply replying with the right way of saying something, because it keeps the dialogue focused on the actual conversation.

    Finally, the app has a mode that counts the amount of characters  or time spent (e.g. 500 characters or 5 minutes) in one language. When it reaches the limit, it suggests that you switch languages. This avoids the awkwardness of trying to bring it up yourself in the conversation.

How to set up Hello Talk application ?

    When we set up the hello talk accounts we will be directed to fill in names, ages, native languages, mother tongue, a tongue, and a language that one wants to learn (it can be more than one language). We must also fill in some degree of understanding in our mother tongue and in what language we would like to learn (since we may have already studied it).

  Then start looking for any conversation you want. Hello talk will direct people from different languages and countries toward those of us who both want to learn foreign languages.

Reference: :

LILI HARYATI (2118030)



Congklak, a Traditional Game that can Sharpen Children's Brains

 Congklak, a Traditional Game that can Sharpen Children's Brains

    Congkak (pronounced CHONG-kak) is a game played on a wooden boat-shaped block with two rows of seven circular holes and two large holes at both ends called "home".

    The game begins with seven game pieces (shells, marbles, pebbles or seeds) in each hole except "homes" which remain empty. Congkak requires two players. Each player controls the seven holes on his side of the board and owns the "home" to his left. The goal is to accumulate as many pieces in your own "home".

Initial position

0              7              7              7              7              7              7              7              0

7              7              7              7              7              7              7

      On a turn, a player removes all pieces from one of the seven holes on his side. He then distributes them clockwise --- one in each hole to the left of this hole --- in a process called sowing. Sowing skips an opponent's "home" but not a player's own "home".

    If the last piece falls into an occupied hole then all the pieces are removed from that hole, and are sown in the same way (clockwise from that hole) in another round. This player's (current) turn ends when the last piece falls into an empty hole on the opponent's side.

     If the last piece sown falls into a player's own "home" then ...

... the player earns another turn, which can begin at any of the seven holes on his side.

 If the last piece sown falls into an empty hole on his side then ...

... the player captures all the pieces in the hole directly across from this one, on the opponent's side and put them (plus the last piece sown) in his own "home". If the opposing hole is empty, no pieces are captured.

    The other player chooses which hole he wishes to start from, removes the pieces and sows them - one in each hole, clockwise from that chosen hole. If a player has no pieces on his side of the board when it is his turn, then he must pass.

    The game ends when no pieces are left in any hole on both sides of the board. The players now count the number of pieces in their own "home" and see who has won.

    This game is also played in other southeast asian countries such as Indonesia and the Philippines where it is known as "Sungka".

    The implementation congkak in learning English. The player can apply their number in english during in this game. So they can repeat counting Numbers in English. This game is useful for young learners to remember number in english.

 Author : Sisma Kusuma Ningrum (2118003)

                ICT B


Quizizz Application Learning English for Kids

 Quizizz Application Learning English for Kids

A. What is Quizizz  

  Quizizz is an online assessment tool that allows to teachers and students to create and use one another’s quizzes. This assessment looks like game, so the students will feel interesting and enjoy during complete this assessment. After providing students with a unique access code, a quiz can be presented live as a timed competition or used for homework with a specific deadline. If the students have been completed the teacher’s screen will show the winner or the best score in that online assessment.After the quizzes have been completed, students can review their answers. Furthermore, the resulting data is compiled into a spreadsheet to give the instructor a clear visual of the students’ performance in order to analyze trends in which areas might need the most focus in the future. This immediate feedback can be used by teachers to revise future learning activities and altar the focus of material by putting a larger emphasis on concepts that students are struggling with. The result of this assessment can send to their parent’s email. So, their parent’s can see their children’s result.

 B.Quizizz allows teacher’s to conduct student-paced formative assessments in a fun and engaging way for students of all ages. The features include:

1.The screen is colour full.

2. The teacher can make the interesting question In this application such as : multiple choice, Feel in the blank, audio, picture and ect.

3. The teacher can give the limited time For each question start from 5 seconds until 30 minutes Best on the level of the question.

4. This application Can be played by students using any kind of device with a browser, including PCs, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. 

5. Our reports give you detailed class-level and student-level insights for every quiz you conduct. You can also download the reports as an Excel spreadsheet. 

C. The advantages of quizizz

1. Using Interested backsound 

2. Fun Online assignment 

3. The question will be random. Every student will not get the same questions order

4. Easy to use

5. The Unique feature. It looks like Game’s features the students can choose the feature for power up

The Lack of quizizz

1. Too easy for student to mistakenly tap the wrong answer on touchscreens 

2. There are power up sticker.If student‘s wrong answer,they can answer again

Author : Sisma Kusuma Ningrum (2118001)

                ICT B


Get to know the traditional games of kelereng that are rarely played


Development of Traditional Marbles Game

In its development, we recognize kelereng as small objects produced in factories. Generally, the kelereng we know are small, round toys made of glass. However, in areas far from urban areas, kelereng can be decomposed grain. In some areas, kelereng are made of a mixture of cement and lime which is round or guardian formed from stone so that the shape of the kelereng we know is known (Hasanah, 2016).

Understanding the game of kelereng

kelereng are one of the most popular children’s toys, especially for boys. kelereng in some areas are also called gundu, neker, buckshot, or guli. kelereng are cheap toys that can be played by various groups. There are several types of kelereng games. In general, playing kelereng only requires the skill of aiming and shooting the target kelereng.

The benefits of playing kelereng for children

Playing kelereng can not only create social interactions between humans, but can also provide other benefits, such as.

1. Regulate emotions

For children playing marbles is very fun and from this joy will bring out a relaxed element, so that they will recharge their energy and enthusiasm after carrying out various daily routine activities.

2. Train motor skills

Various activities in playing kelereng, such as throwing and flicking kelereng can help train fine and gross motor skills in children. The better the motor skills, the better the visual coordination and concentration the child will become, the more proficient it will be in shooting the kelereng. 

3. Practicing thinking skills

Playing kelereng can indirectly stimulate the ability to think, such as to win games, children will find ways to solve problems and use various strategies by using certain technical techniques.

4. Competent abilities

Children’s success in winning the kelereng game using certain techniques can lead to healthy competition at school age. The existence of this competition forms a feeling of self-worth in competence.

5. Social skills in making friends

In the game, kelereng cannot be played singly, so they must be played together with friends. Collaboration with friends is what can lead to social interaction and indirectly study the wider social context. The lessons learned from this interaction include building cooperation, overcoming conflicts when there is a fight in play, and learning to communicate desires and thoughts.

6. Be honest

Playing kelereng can not only help develop a child’s character and personality to be more positive, it can also foster an attitude of honesty and fairness.

How to play the kelereng game

There are so many ways to play the kelereng game in Indonesia, but the most popular is the hole type. The way to play the hole type kelereng game is by the player having to dig a small hole in the ground, then each player takes turns flicking the kelereng to be inserted in the hole. In addition, you can also move the opponent’s kelereng so that they are further away from the hole position. The winner of this game is the first to enter the kelereng into the hole.


Krisdayanti 2118008


The Use of the Quipper School Application in Learning

The Use of the Quipper School Application in




What is Quipper School ?

Quipper School is an online learning or e-learning platform open source learning that can be accessed by anyone, including teachers and students, who aim to revolutionize the way of learning and sharing knowledge by utilizing the mobile internet. Quipper School consists of two parts, namely Q-Link for teachers and Q-Learn for students.

How to use Quipper School

1. Register an account

- Go to school.

- Select 'Teacher Portal'

Select Teacher Portal

Select Teacher Portal (

- Click on the words 'Join'

- Please fill in the complete information

Password of at least 6 characters with a combination of numbers and letters

- Click 'Continue'

- Select the school according to where the teacher teaches

- Click 'Continue', but before continuing, make sure the information is correct.

- Click 'Create Account'

After that, check your email to verify your email

You also need to verify your Quipper account by calling Quipper's CS number at 08111785309 or 08119941637.

- After verification, the account is ready to be used to create classes.

How to Login

- Go to

- Click on 'Teacher Portal'

- Select the 'Enter' menu

- Enter the email that was used when registering for your Quipper account, including your password.

- Click 'Login'

If you already have an account but forgot your password, when you enter your login page, please click 'Forgot Password'.

Forgot your Quipper password

Forgot password

Then enter your email address when registering and click the 'Re-Upload Password' link.

After that, there will be an email with a link and click on the link to set a new password.

2. How to create a class

- Click on 'Class List'

Quipper Class List

How to register classes on Quipper

- Click on the words 'Create New Class'

- Please select what class category you will be able to attend and write your name

- Click 'Save'

3. Give assignments

- Click the 'curriculum and assignments' feature

- Select the tab 'curriculum' to determine the curriculum assignments that will be given to students


Quipper Curriculum

- Click 'Create assignment'

- After filling in according to curriculum, click 'Create assignment with selected topic'

- In the 'Task' feature, click the column that says 'Tasks'

- Fill in the duration and name of the assignment, but you don't have to fill in the comments column

- Click 'Submit Task'

4. Distribute the class code to invite students

- Click the 'Class List' feature

- Select 'Class Code'. The available class code is in the form of numbers to share with students

Class code

How to Learn Use Quipper School

1. Login to for those who already have an account, and for those who don't have it, please register first at

2. To start learning, enter the class code that has been given by the teacher at your school if you have never joined before.

3. Find assignments from the teacher on the homepage and work on them.

4. Send the assignment given by and students will get a grade from the assignment that has been done.

The Advantages of Quipper School

1. You can study anywhere and anytime.

2. Video content is of high quality and is guided by the best and experienced tutors.

3. The price of the subscription package is very affordable, when compared to offline tuition which requires a fairly expensive fee.

Author : Roselia Putri Lestari ( 2118003 )

                ICT B 


Jumping Rope is a Fun Game


Jumping Rope is a Fun Game

What is Jumping Rope ?

Jumping rope is a game where one or more people jump over a rope that is flicked so that the flutter of the rope crosses the bottom of their feet and over their head. There are various types of jumping rope which include: single freestyle, single speed, pair, triple speed and three person freestyle.

How to play Jumping Rope ?

A). Play Jump Rope in Groups

1. Two children facing each other take a distance of about one and a half meters.

2. Both children hold both ends of the rope.

3. A child stands in the middle to prepare to jump the rope.

4. The rope is rotated from top to bottom continuously.

5. Child jumps over rope when rope crosses under near feet.

6. Doing jumps up to several times.

7. If it fails to jump over the rope, the jumper becomes the rope holder.

B). Play Jump Rope Alone

1. Choose the right rope.

2. Stand up and grab your rope.

3. Step over the rope.

4. Use both palms and wrists to swing the rope over your head.

5. When the rope moves toward the front of your feet, jump.

6. Set the speed that is right for you.

Use Jump Rope in Learning

*) Develops brain power

According to the Jump Rope Institute, jumping helps develop left and right brain skills, improves spatial awareness and children's reading skills. Not only that, jumping rope can also improve memory and alertness so that children's performance at school can be better.

*) Improve Skills and Mental Health

Jumping rope is known to have benefits for children's mental and skills, this activity is able to encourage creative thinking, as well as help brain development. This activity is considered to improve physical fitness, better reading skills, increased memory and alertness. In addition, jumping rope can also help children overcome shyness and socialize more because it is a fun group activity.

The Benefits of Jumping Rope

1. Improve balance

Good coordination and balance are needed in playing rope jumping. Repetitive jumping movements can also train balance, coordination and body reflexes. In fact, a study on a group of pre-teen footballers found that jumping rope improved their motor coordination and balance.

2. Increase muscle strength

Jumping rope can move the whole body, thus making many muscles move simultaneously. This can increase strength in the muscles in the legs, stomach and arms. In addition, jumping rope can also make children more agile and dexterous when doing something.

3. Lose weight

For children who are overweight, jumping rope is the right choice. Jumping rope makes children move their entire body so that they burn lots of calories in a short time. Even so, weight loss is also influenced by other factors such as intake consumed, activity level and age.

4. Improve heart health

When playing rope jumping, your heart rate increases to an intensity that is higher than normal. High intensity exercise has also been shown to make the heart stronger, and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. In addition, by providing nutritious intake, children's heart health can be maintained.

5. Improve mood

Jumping rope can actually make children feel happier. When playing this game, the body will produce endorphins which can improve mood and relieve stress. In addition, this game can also reduce tension, improve sleep quality, and make children more active.

Author : Roselia Putri Lestari ( 2118003 )

                ICT B 


English for kids Applications Learning English

English for kids is an application that can be used for children in learning English with game features that make children more happy to learn while playing, English for kids is very useful for children who can improve vocabulary in English, listening skills and read. Children can learn English with hundreds of vocabulary with pictures and pronunciation. Very easy to use with a simple and powerful interface. English for children is used in lessons used in everyday situations.

New features available in English for kids:

- ABC courses: let your kids learn letters from A to Z step by step;

- Vocabulary Course: lots of lessons and levels to help your kids remember English words easily.

Subjects in English for kids:

Colors,Animals, Insects, Alphabet,Numbers,Shes,Fruits,Food,Body Parts, Transportation,Clothing,Sports,Vegetables,Verbs,Jobs,Appliances,Emotions,Schools,Places,Kitchen, Weather, Bathrooms, Living Room, Flowers, Country Flags, Musical Instruments,Fairy,Tales,Solar System, Ancient Greece, Ancient Egypt, Daily Routines, Camping, Winter and many more.

The advantages of using English for kids

First, it is free which is really needed by the general public who can download it via the play store

Second, very young to use. When finished downloading there we can use and see what you want to see.

Third, only 30 MB of storage, does not drain the full memory.

Fourth, it can be used to learn while playing.

Fifth, it has many benefits with learning features found in English for kids.


Krisdayanti 2118008


Knowing the tradisional game of Pletokan

Pletokan is the name of a toy weapon made of bamboo, and the bullets are made of soaked paper, or guava or flower seeds. This game is a game typical of the Betawi people. In the Sundanese people, they call it pletokan as bebeletokan, while in Probolinggo and Madura they call it tor cetoran. while in the Sasak tribe of Lombok it is called beledokan. This game is usually played by boys aged 6-13 years.

The equipment needed in this game is a gun barrel shaped like a pipe, repellent, and bullets. The barrel of the rifle and the reject is made of bamboo, while the bullets can be made of soaked paper, flower, or guava nipples. The length of the barrel is about 30-40 cm with a diameter of 1 or 1.5 cm. While the reject has more length for the handle with a length of about 10 cm. Refuse is made of smoothed split bamboo sticks. The bamboo chosen is strong and old so it doesn't break quickly.


Insert the bullet using a repellent to the end of the barrel. After that, a second bullet is inserted and rejected with a repellent rod. This second bullet has a dual function. The first function is as a pump valve to suppress the first bullet to be fired. Then the second function is to become a bullet that is prepared to be fired next.

This game is played by boys aged 6-13 years, played individually or in groups. When played individually, the main target is animals in the form of small insects. Meanwhile, if it is played per group, the target of this game is the opponent of that group. So, the image of this game is like playing gunfire or war, only the tools used here are not toy guns or the like but using small bamboo.

Name : Nurul Hamidah

Srn     : 2118012

Course : ICT (class B)


Lingbe application for learning English


Lingbe is an English learning application that provides direct online learning features with native speakers. By using this application we can connect directly with native speakers from abroad. What makes this application highly recommended is its free and easy-to-use service, you can learn directly with native speakers without having to pay them anything.

How to apply it :

first, you can download in the playstore, 

Second, just click the floating button at the bottom right of the screen to start practicing and all other info is displayed on the main screen and access other options via the menu on the top left.

So, for those of you who want to improve your speaking skills, this application is highly recommended. but this application can only support ordinary phone features and no video calls or anything like that.

Oh ya guys,this application is suitable for all ages, funny and creative as well and also is easy to use.

Name : Nurul Hamidah

Srn      : 2118012

Course : ICT


Paraga Game From Bugis


        Indonesia is an archipelagic country which has a wealth of diverse flora and fauna. In addition, this country with a tropical climate also has culture, traditions and customs that are widely known to foreign countries. One of the rich traditions possessed by the Indonesian people is traditional games.

Almost every region in Indonesia has a variety of traditional games, such as hide and seek, cublak-cublak suweng to gobak sodor. Besides being interesting and exciting to play this traditional game, it also has positive values ​​in everyday life.

Some of the positive values ​​that are obtained when playing traditional games are practicing cohesiveness, togetherness, mutual cooperation and mutual respect, such as the traditional game originating from Bugis and Makassar, it is Paraga.

Understanding the Paraga game

Paraga is a traditional game of the Bugis and Makassar tribes. This unique game is perhaps the only unique game in the world that features skill in playing ball with dance.

Paraga or football is an art sport that was born in the archipelago of South Sulawesi, originating from Bugis-Makassar. It is said that in the past this art sport could only be consumed by the royal family. At that time a man who is good at playing sports will be considered perfect. However, along with the times all levels of society can enjoy it now.

Paraga is a game that reflects local customs. Paraga is usually played by men, given the complex movements of the paraga and is an agility training movement. The background of the entry and spread of the art of sports in South Sulawesi was accompanied by the entry and spread of Islam in South Sulawesi in the 15th century. Football is used as a medium for the spread of Islam, with the public flocking to watch and indirectly become a forum for spreading Islam in South Sulawesi.

At first glance, the soccer ball is almost similar to the takraw ball because of the shape of the ball and the ball material made of rattan. However, what makes the difference between Sepak Takraw and Sepak Takraw is that if the takraw balls are only arranged in one layer of rattan, the sports balls are arranged in three layers. The difference between Sepak Takraw and Sepak Takraw is that Sepak Takraw is widely contested, however, it is different with soccer, which is specifically shown in its beauty on various occasions. Such as welcoming guests, celebrating ceremonies and other big day ceremonies.

How to play the game Paraga

Usually in paraga or soccer performances there are six dancers and four music players. All of them have their respective duties to harmonize with one another. One of the elements that must be trained in this sports kick is balance which is the capital to process the ball in such a way.

Especially in a compound movement formation that relies on teamwork so that the ball remains in their control.

Pa'sapu or head belt that is characteristic of the clothes worn by paraga players. The head belt is covered with starch to keep it upright when the paraga players work the ball. The clothes that the paragans wear are called the Bela clothes, while the musicians wear closed suits.

Do not forget the typical bugis silk sarong or so-called lipa sabbe to complement their appearance. And usually bright colored clothes will be chosen to attract the attention of the audience.

Togetherness and strong determination and mutual cooperation make the paragan players not just play. There are special values ​​that want to be taught not only for the players but also for the audience. Soccer is an artistic heritage that must be preserved together because it has its own features that are not shared by other traditional arts.

By Rosalina Pitaloka

SRN (2118032)



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